Oct 15, 2007

Optional by Necessity

Review of Best American Nonrequired Reading 2007, edited by Dave Eggers with an intro by Sufjan Stevens

1 comment:

Ellyn Canfield said...

Hi. Sorry to be random/blogcreepy, BUT you always come up on my gchat - I think we exchanged roommate emails at one time?
Anyhow, I noticed your blog under your gchat, and am always quickly distracted by blogs. So, I got excited to the nth by the mention of Eggars and Sufjan, and then realized that you wrote this very well done review.
So, anyhow, thanks for the welcome distraction from policy homework and for being so aweseomely cool on my gchat list.

ps. Do you go to Redeemer?

Letting the noise of my thoughts travel to you.